Paul Krause

Paul Krause
Paul Krause is the editor of VoegelinView and the author of Finding Arcadia: Wisdom, Truth, and Love in the Classics (Academica Press, 2023) and The Odyssey of Love: A Christian Guide to the Great Books (Wipf and Stock, 2021).

Recent Essays

The Forgotten Conservative Value: Wilderness

The Wilderness calls forth the bond of community, labor, and leisure. It calls forth the best in humanity, so long as humans understand their relationship to the Wilderness.

Culture and the Front Porch

What is culture? What hath attachment to do with culture? Why are front porches necessary for culture? Culture is something...

Conservatism and the Ecological Crisis

Conservation is at the heart of conservatism. And the root of our contemporary ecological crisis is a careless, profligate mode of relating to the...

Nationalism Against Imperialism

“For centuries, the politics of Western nations have been characterized by a struggle between two antithetical vision of world order: an order of free...