Politics & Power

Happy 75th Birthday, Carl Oglesby!

Look around and you’ll see that the seeds planted by the New Left have not all fallen on hard ground. I think maybe they’re ready to flower.

Reflections on 9/11

Is being an American worth it?

The Population Bomb

Not with a bang, but a whimper . . .

The Infinitesimal Fraction, or, the Swindle of Consent

Where does that leave us? With the difficult job of recovering the sturdy Jeffersonian virtues of the freeman—virtues of thrift, being rooted in one’s place, hard work, pride of ownership, the orderly use of time, fierce independence of spirit, self-sufficiency, charity towards one’s neighbor, a refusal to bend the knee to any master, membership in a communal identity, and a return to family economies that place a strong incentive on having children.

Your Justice Is My Pay Check

Tucson, AZ. Far from my native Midwest, which sometimes seems to be working out the details of its final collapse after decades of decline,...

In Defense of Culture

In which "culture" is distinguished from our contemporary "anti-culture."

Bradley Manning, and my Biggest Disappointment in Obama (Yet)

Wichita, KS Let me make two things clear: first, all things considered, I still think Barack Obama has been, and remains, a pretty decent president--certainly...

On Competitiveness

“Competitiveness” is the new “proactive” – the word, to paraphrase The Simpsons, that dumb people are using to sound important. Or, more precisely, it’s the word that ostensibly smart people are using to try to cover up really dumb thinking.

The New Lisbon?

In the wake of a series of catastrophes in the course of recent years - the financial crisis and the Great Recession; the Gulf...

Untaxing the Virtues

What the political mainstream ignores, unsurprisingly, is that any change in how we raise revenue cannot be only about balancing the numbers. It also involves judgements about the texture of society and the virtues that habits of livelihood can inculcate or destroy.