Caleb Stegall

Caleb Stegall
Caleb Stegall lives in Jefferson County, Kansas.

Recent Essays

Responding to RAF

Russell wrote:  This is, perhaps, why Caleb Stegall and those like him are, to me anyway, the most important-if not necessarily the most persuasive-of all...

You Say Liturgy, I Say Lechery

I hurried up to Columbia University to inform my friends on the campus that I had located the Communist Party, had made contact with it,...

Farm Stories: Hog Killing

Let this day begin again the change of hogs into people, not the other way around, for today we celebrate again our lives' wedding...

The Internet Won’t Feed You, and Neither Will We

Rod Dreher posts a letter from a young 'un asking about law school and farming.  Similarly, a commenter here last week asked: I have only ever...

Politics in Kansas hasn’t changed much. Still a wild and wooly blood sport.

Political Friendship in a Facebook World

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS.  Everyone here seems to pretty much agree that we are in a pickle.  The symptoms are there for anyone to see. ...

No Wealth But Life

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS. William Allen White, the noted editorialist of Emporia, once named our shared home country America’s tenth muse—the muse of prophecy. If...

Churches with Porches

JEFFERSON COUNTY, KANSAS. In the comments somewhere below, Prof. Fox mentions the regional artist John Steuart Curry. A fitting topic for my first foray...