Economics & Empire

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When SueAnne Bassett learned that she had stage four cervical cancer eight years ago, her doctors gave her a 20 percent chance that she...

Barack Obama: Socialist?

    Washington DC When President Obama took office in 2009, many friends of capitalism were concerned that he would socialize our economy. Yet corporate profits have...

Behind the Beautiful Forevers, and the Ground on Which Communities Are...

The final sentence in Behind the Beautiful Forevers--Katherine Boo's wonderfully written, devastatingly detailed narrative of several fascinating, despairing stories that took place over the...

The Founders on Taxation, Redistribution, and Property

Hidden Springs Lane. As the Fiscal Cliff looms, as Red States and Blues States stand more divided than ever, as the gap between the...

God and Country

The splendid university where I’ve been privileged to spend the past semester proudly proclaims its commitment to “God, Country, Notre Dame” and means what...

Why Isn’t Romania Rich?

An address to the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, June 22, 2012 It is puzzling to note that somewhere between 4 million and 8 million...

The Politics of the Clothesline

Yesterday I ambled towards my cottage, returning from putting the cattle out to pasture for the evening. The sun was sinking low in the...

A Post-Election Symposium

The following is a series of reflections and ruminations on Decision 2012, courtesy of FPR writers-at-large.  Winnebago County, IL. Following Standard Operating Procedures, Republican bosses...

Life Under Compulsion: The Billows Teaching Machine

Charlie Chaplin is working on an assembly line.  He tightens bolts with a pair of wrenches.  He does this without stop, over and over,...

Limits and Conscientious Consumption

Lincoln, I was informed when I was nine years old, freed the slaves. I learned that lesson well; I was an excellent student. Lincoln...