Education & Liberal Learning

Res Idiotica

South Bend, IN My students are know-nothings.  They are exceedingly nice, pleasant, trustworthy, mostly honest, well-intentioned, and utterly decent.  But their minds are largely empty,...

Marginalizing Care: What Happens when Healthcare and Education become Industries

Spring Arbor, MI In our age of austerity and cost-cutting, the two industries currently under the microscope are healthcare and education. The gains in productivity...

Community among Academics: An Economist’s Retrospective

Two weeks ago I spoke to an orientation program for new faculty at Pepperdine. I shared with them what I had been told at...

A Burke for Our Times

In a wonderful article published here at FPR a few weeks ago, Jason Peters argued that a proper education ought to provoke a kind...

Flatten the Curve and Respect the Experts

The issue is not the the health care experts versus the ordinary American who doesn’t like the way this shutdown is going. It is actually a question of expertise worthy of the power invested in state and federal officials to change life as we know it.

Higher Education And Civic Engagement

Amid the current discussions of rapidly increasing student loan debt, the unaffordability of higher education, and the gap between our college graduates and the...

The Uselessness of Liberal Education: An Apology

It is necessary for the perfection of human society that there should be men who devote their lives to contemplation. --St. Thomas Aquinas  The trouble with...

Glenn Beck Gives Utopia a Bad Name

So Glenn Beck has proposed his grandest scheme yet: the construction of separate planned community, literally built around (in terms of architecture and overall...

David Bosworth on his New Book, Conscientious Thinking: Making Sense in...

No one who cares about the condition of our culture can afford to ignore Conscientious Thinking. --Jackson Lears, editor, Raritan

Why the Christian Philosopher and Christian College Need Each Other

As Alasdair MacIntyre has shown, human knowledge is both “tradition-constituted” and “tradition-dependent,” as well as “tradition-transcendent.” And as he suggests in his latest book, God,...