Philosophers & Saints

Rising Scientism, Declining Supernaturalism, and the Loss of Taste and Morals...

William Gilmore Simms’ claims about the decay of morals and the arts that results from the rise of scientism and decline of supernaturalism can be elaborated by reflecting on the insights of Flannery O’Connor and the Southern Agrarians.

Gene Logsdon, RIP

The Porch lost a part of its patrimony yesterday with the passing of Gene Logsdon. News of his death can be found here, and...

An Ancient Legacy of Form: Guardini on Mastery and Nearness

Our dwelling place is the state not of nature but of culture.

A Letter from Old Nick to Candidate Santorum

Sir, I write this letter to protest the public and wholly unwarranted attack on my character you have made during the course of your campaign,...

How Liberalism’s Contradictions Will Save It

In October 2013, Russell Brand wrote a rambling missive for the New Statesman, in which he called for a “total revolution” of the Western...

George Orwell and Ideology

The following essay is by Wilson Carey McWilliams, and is drawn from one of the two new collections of his writings, The Democratic Soul....

Science and the Spirit in an Age of Hostile Presumption

Washington, CT. Winter was a hard-nosed professional this season just past. It sunk its icy teeth in long and hard and mocked us with...

Ecce Homo: The Fleeting Treasure of a Mortal Life Within the...

Washington, CT. Puckish ad infinitum, I take it as my heathenish duty during this special time of year to preach at the choir boys...

Friends Abroad: Vandana Shiva

LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. One of the structural evils of our two-party system and our editorial pages is the inherent bias of both towards two.  If...

Bacevich to Miller to Lasch

How's that for a triple play? Andrew Bacevich reviews Eric Miller's new biography of Christopher Lasch.