Region & Place

A Long Repentance: A Decade of Turning Away from (a Part...

Including “repentance” in this title might lead you to believe that it is a theological reflection of some kind. After all, repentance is a...

Ruthie Leming’s (and Rod Dreher’s) Little Way

Rod Dreher's 2006 manifesto, Crunchy Cons, was an inspiration (and provocation) to many, on both the left and the right. It wasn't that the...

U.S. ‘Intervention’ in Syria Unlawful

Proponents of Syria “intervention” did not seem to notice any irony as Secretary of State John Kerry, on the one hand, chastened Iraq for...

Eating Local–Or Local Enough

If I earn ten pennies in heaven for being a local food supplier, do I get five for being regional?

Going Home Again? Not Likely.

If I am correct, it seems there is a certain kind of arch-typical narrative that has become quite popular here at FPR, and in...

On the Localism of the Spheres

I have a friend who is a cloistered Trappist monk and his current obsession is the ‘outer’ and decidedly non-sedentary goal of running a...

Life Under Compulsion: Music and the Itch

Like dew on the gowan lying Is the fa’ o’ her fairy feet; Like winds in summer sighing, Her voice is low and sweet. Her voice is low...

The Journey Home

If you had told me, a happy and professionally satisfied D.C. lawyer living on Capitol Hill, just over a year ago, that I would...

Exurban Dream? What Exurbs and Suburbs Have in Common

When in 1967 my parents were the thirteenth family to move into newly minted Columbia, Maryland, I was three months old. The American dream...

Lives Lived Worthily: On Hunting

A little over a year ago, after hearing my bitter protests about another pathetic talk by some expert on education whose vision of life...