Tag: education
Medieval Hillbilly Kings, Priests, Pagans, and Poets: Beowulf, Johnny Cash, and...
Cash may as well be situated in an Anglo-Saxon mead hall, a broken ring-giver, a pagan, who for all his good intentions, cannot heal that which infects his people and himself.
Sacramental Ontology in a Christian School
To gaze upon creation through a sacramental lens is to admit that God is God and we are not; it is an antidote to the poison of Genesis 3.
Manual Training for All
Jobs in construction, health care, and manufacturing technology need not lead to dead ends...
Past, Future, and Breeding Out of Captivity
Perhaps in the coming decades we shall have, so to speak, not a straightforward demographic slope downward, but more of a dip and a levelling off in the next century.
The Light Eaters
Plant biology seems to be revolutionizing our understanding of what a plant is and can be. This is a gift that may help us grow in wisdom, in reverence, and in care for our world.
Reasonable People Can Disagree
People often cannot always bridge differing intellectual and political positions, even with people they agree with about most intellectual questions and political issues.
I Can Hear Music
As C.S. Lewis noted in The Abolition of Man, the souls of our youth are not jungles that need pruning but deserts that need irrigation. We could start by getting them to hear music.
The Streak: A Legendary Semester
Our participation streak brought forward more diversity of opinion and expression in the classroom while forming the students into a team with a shared objective.
A Challenge in Charity: A Review of Deep Reading
To counter dogmatic worldviews, we should read prudently and widely across time periods and cultures and not avoid difficult content because of fear.
From Culture Warriors to Agrarians
Can the rest of us afford such inaction? Yes—and that’s the point. For the travesty of modernity is its constant demand—from left or right—for action, control, and efficiency. But the first step into an agrarian attitude is to step back from such demands.