Economics & Empire

It’s the Land, Stupid

I'll take the old gal with a few well-earned wrinkles that fit soft and snug like a favorite glove. It's the land, stupid, and boy is she a thing of stunning beauty.

The Rhetoric of War Powers

I suppose we have the Constitution we deserve--but we could fight for the one we had.

God and Country

The splendid university where I’ve been privileged to spend the past semester proudly proclaims its commitment to “God, Country, Notre Dame” and means what...

More of the same old energy policy

Obama's energy initiatives offer little change, and less hope. Large nuclear plants with massive power grids are no solution.

Where is Our Perpetual Peace?

Devon, PA.  At the root of American and, indeed, western public life rests a fundamental assumption: the specific is dangerous, the particular a menace,...

Wendell Berry and the Great Economy

Economics has become a totalizing system claiming the power to explain all things. It is as much a religious system—by another name—as is Berry's Great Economy.

Notes from the Congress for the New Urbanism

DENVER, COLORADO. It seems like only yesterday that the New Urbanism was really new. But this weekend, with its annual meeting here in Denver,...

Capitalism as an Unnatural System

Ever since capitalism made its appearance in the late Middle Ages and came to dominate both production and politics in the late 18th century,...

Regret Minimization

Jeremy Grantham is paid to make people money. Among his clients is Dick Cheney, who, based on Grantham's advice, was well-positioned before the...

The Need for Autarchy

Devon, PA.  Thanks in part to the series of fine essays John Médaille has provided us during the last several weeks, the implicit economic...