
The Gift of Good Work

What if every day was given to rest, eating, and relaxation?

NPR Does Something Right

Diane Rehm has selected Wendell Berry’s novel Hannah Coulter as the “Reader Review” book for November. FPR's own Jason Peters will appear as the off-color commentator.


The future belongs to nincompoops, courtesy of Facebook, Twitter and the Interwebs.

What is it Like to be a Man?

And nowhere, not in so much as a page of this literature, does one discover even the beginnings of an answer to the question, “what is it like to be a man?”

The Ode Familiar

A call for your favorite poems of place.

Why I Shouldn’t Have To Pay Federal Tax On My IPA

If you want a reason to reach for a beer, read this piece, preferably at a bar featuring IPA’s during Happy Hour.

Kingsley Amis (!) On the Priesthood

Then it’s a bit up to you to be jolly crusty and jolly full of hell-fire and sin and damnation.

In Defense of Culture

In which "culture" is distinguished from our contemporary "anti-culture."

The Tea Party and the TSA

The idea that the best way to reform government is to simply say "No!" is probably a bad idea...but for the TSA, I'll make an exception.

Scientia and Sapentia, or, What the Schoolmen Knew

Modern science has given us modern miracles, like iPhones and atom bombs and Chrysler cars, but has not given us the wisdom to use them.