
What is American?

While there is much work to be done and there are no guarantees of success, we don’t have to look far for the foundations upon which to build. They are all around us.

Ida’s Own Private Husband

My review of Leigh Eric Schmidt's Heaven's Bride appeared in this weekend's Wall Street Journal.

The Blind Senator from Minnesota

It was difficult to say whether they were on the far left or the far right or both simultaneously, but you were safe to identify them as radical, whichever political directions the wind took at the moment.

End of the Culture Wars?

Ross Douthat suggests that the culture wars have moved to a different battlefield. I dissent.

Souls of Carnival

My review of Les Bodnar's Carnie is in today's Wall Street Journal.

Monarchy and the American Constitution

The American Constitution, as it was originally written and understood, is the most monarchical-democratic document in the modern world.

On the Porch with Bye, Bye, Miss American Empire

I value a writer who makes me read with a dictionary. Godspeed the man with a memory.

Torn Screen Door

Listen to the fierce and mournful "Torn Screen Door" by the Scottish-Canadian singer/songwriter David Francey.

Homeschooling and Socialization

What is this thing we call “socialization” and why is there a perception that this is best achieved in the classroom and thwarted by homeschooling?

Monarchy and Regalism

A thing without proper limits becomes its own opposite, and benevolence quickly becomes a tyranny which threatens both civil and religious order.