Politics & Power

Trust, Community Ties, and Letting Your Children Play

The story has exploded all over the internet : Debra Harrell, a Georgia woman, dropped her 9-year-old child off at a park–not an isolated...

Accreditation to the Rescue (for real?)

Hillsdale, Michigan. I am a little late to the surge of 1s and 0s in response to Peter Conn's less than tepid essay about...

An Alternative to Cosmopolitanism

When people use the term today in casual conversation, “cosmopolitan” generally refers to a person whose disposition is one of urbane sophistication, not blinkered...

Who Knew Independence Could Be This Easy?

Hillsdale, Michigan: While Americans are gearing up for fireworks, automobile sales, and burnt hot dogs, the Scots are debating whether to declare their independence...

Patriot Games

Holland, MI As our nation - what? sprints? strides? stumbles? limps? - toward its 238th birthday, we prepare once again for our great patriotic festivities....

Common Good Politics: A Review of Nader’s Book

In his new book, Ralph Nader argues that the Left and the Right should unite against the economic and political establishment in the Center.

How Marx Explains the Pomo-Con/Front-Porch Divide, In Four Easy Steps

Via Rod Dreher, I see that the occasionally interesting blog Postmodern Conservative has departed its longtime home at the (often, if not always) theoconservative...

(Civic) Myths over (Religious) Markets: Defending the National Day of Prayer

I don't often disagree with my old friend Michael Austin, partly because he's much smarter and much better read than I, and partly...

How Equality Makes Us Better (and Stupid)

Hidden Springs Lane. The concept of equality lies at the heart of the American system. School children learn by heart (or used to) those...

Dollarocracy: Money-Power, Media-Framed Elections and Inequality

When searching for semi-precious stones, one must at times loosen jewels from the mineral deposits in which they’re locked.  This consideration applies to books...