Politics & Power

The Founders on Taxation, Redistribution, and Property

Hidden Springs Lane. As the Fiscal Cliff looms, as Red States and Blues States stand more divided than ever, as the gap between the...

God and Country

The splendid university where I’ve been privileged to spend the past semester proudly proclaims its commitment to “God, Country, Notre Dame” and means what...

Why Isn’t Romania Rich?

An address to the Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, June 22, 2012 It is puzzling to note that somewhere between 4 million and 8 million...

Opportunity in the Ruins

Hidden Springs Lane. The dust has hardly settled over the Great Campaign of 2012 and already the same people are arguing about The Fiscal...

On ‘The Fall’ and That Obama Video

Yes, yes. I know the election is over and, as a third-party voter myself, I don’t believe I’ll smell like sour grapes here regarding...

Reflections on the Revolution in America

This article first appeared in Ethika Politika, the Journal of the Center for Morality in Public Life.  To all appearances, nothing happened. On Monday, we had...

What’s Wrong with the Republican Party?

An ill-fitting presidential nominee led to an election loss. A better nominee might win next time--but is winning enough?

After Romney: Republican Soul-Searching

These remarks were delivered before the Notre Dame College Republicans at a panel devoted to discussing the future of the Republican Party.  As an independent,...

Memory and the Damming State

The family’s life in this village had come to an end when the lake was dammed in 1958. One wonders who would consider such things worth it.

A Post-Election Symposium

The following is a series of reflections and ruminations on Decision 2012, courtesy of FPR writers-at-large.  Winnebago County, IL. Following Standard Operating Procedures, Republican bosses...