Tag: education

For the Sake of the Children

“… but the soul of the hearer must be prepared by good habits to rejoice in the good and hate the evil, just as...

Bar Jester’s Writing Seminar II; or, How to Write Like a...

If you want to write worse than the average undergraduate male, consider philosophy.

From The Multiversity: Plato

What can Plato teach us about and in the modern multiversity?

Monday Morning Brass Spittoon: Roundtable on a Liberal Arts Education

Higher education in America has many challenges, and in many ways has become a rather strange place. The satirical novel, such as Richard Russo’s...

To Quantify the Complexity of a Book

There's a computer program called Lexile that purports to measure the complexity of books and thereby determine the grade level for which they are...

Crazy Quilt Conservatism

Hidden Springs, VA.Last week the Washington Post ran a story titled “Rethinking the Classroom: Obama’s Overhaul of Public Education.” The piece described the various...

A Footloose Spring Day

On a gorgeous April Wednesday I am filling in as substitute homeschool teacher. We do arithmetic; we do a language lesson about adverbs and...

Bar Jester Chronicles 15: In Praise of Smartassery

Give me smartassery. Give me a yawning match.

The Real Educational Issue: College Students and a Crisis in Citizenship

The fact that the people who will likely occupy the top of the socio-economic chain—and whose decisions will thus set the terms of most Americans’ existences—have little room for the necessarily leveling notion of citizenship is our most significant and least discussed educational crisis.

The Primary Error of Early English Education

During my brief foray into public education, I taught a group of seventh-graders a typical lesson from a standard middle school literature textbook: we...