The Feed Store

Resisting Romanticism and the Elision of Labor

I thus find myself in the odd position of resisting romanticism while, nevertheless, hoping that future conditions will create that temptation.

I Am Not a Luddite

In my efforts to point people to various methodologies of eco-agriculture I often encounter those who dispute these approaches. One of the frequent refrains...

Learning to Die in the Garden

I’m prone to say that the gardening year resembles nothing so much as a succession of heartbreaks, and while it’s possible that this sentiment...

A Young Girl’s Guide to Power Tools

At age 12, our daughter discovered that our front yard could be more than a place to turn cartwheels. It was also an evergreen...

A Casual Birder

For most of my adult life I’ve considered myself a birder. Some people say “bird-watcher,” but for me that term conjures up the sort...

Take a Hike? (I Would Prefer Not To)

My grandfathers’ lives had a greater degree of integrity than mine. By integrity I do not mean the suggestion of morality and righteousness frequently...

Ecce Hortus: A Dispatch from Dumb-Ass Acres

Put in a garden and watch it come to life.

Salvaging: Boat Trailers, T.S. Eliot, and Resurrection

I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river Is a strong brown god— . . . Unhonoured, unpropitiated By...

From Dogs to Fur Babies–and Back Again

As Edward Abbey said, “When a man’s best friend is a dog, then that dog has a problem.”

Reading Seed Catalogs for Pleasure and Profit

Gardeners are a modest and sober breed, not much given to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, or the pride...