Region & Place

Sources of Order: Rooted Cosmopolitanism and the Origins of City Life

What follows is an expanded version of a talk originally given at the 2016 Front Porch Republic Conference at Notre Dame, where Susannah Black...

Sources of Order: Rooted Cosmopolitanism and the Origins of City Life,...

What follows is an expanded version of a talk originally given at the 2016 Front Porch Republic Conference at Notre Dame, where Susannah Black...

After Trump #1: Getting Urbanists and Localists Together

So at the beginning of the month, when I finally got my election reflections out of my system, I concluded by re-iterating what I...

After Trump #2: Getting Populism Right

Coming to grips with what the 2016 election means many things, especially for those of us who are hoping to find in Trump's victory...

Dash, Grandpa’s Three-Legged Dog

I wasn’t there. In fact, I’m not sure who all was. And as I write this sitting in Michigan, I’m far from those who...

Don’t Miss This Book

Front Porcher Rob Grano has a lovely little review of John Lewis-Stempel's The Running Hare: The Secret Life of Farmland. It's over...

Two Last Suppers and Ordinary Greatness: A Double Eulogy

What are the compensations on the downhill side of life?

And Then Came The Chickens—After the Bobcat: A Dispatch

Heaven favored me with three successive clement weekends.

The Dryers are Coming! The Dryers are Coming!

South Korea lives on the cutting edge of technology -- just ask the young smart-phone zombies that slowly roam the campus where I teach....

And Then Came the Chickens, Part Two: A Dispatch from...

“Bawk-bawk be-gehk!” she cries, and I know just where she’s coming from.