Region & Place

In the Pilsen Snow

My wife and I were married at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, on the near west side of South Bend, Indiana.  I’ve written about her...

A Meditation on My Porch

  I heard someone say recently, “Porches are back. They’re on all the new houses.” And I thought, “No, no they’re not.” Porches on newer houses...

Branding Disaster

Earlier this year, after the Charlie Hebdo shootings, I reflected on the conversations that may or may not ensue from the changing of a...

FPR Update

Dear Readers, When FPR launched in 2009, we weren't sure what to expect. We knew our culture, economy, and politics were broken, and believed that...

Finding ‘Boston Strong’ In Oklahoma

I’d been through this movie before. Streets closed to traffic, a procession of elite athletes before tens of thousands of spectators. And then the...

Saving Trees Across The Ocean

The view from above was one of devastation, even if it was the pregnant devastation of a construction site that is not what it...

A Better Place to Watch a Game

Only an idiot would really miss the old Durham Athletic Park - or, if not an idiot, then only someone who hadn’t actually spent...

An Ordinary Life and the Pitfalls of Greatness

I will confess that when J. Arthur Bloom announced he was joining Front Porch Republic’s editorial team, I had not heard of it. So...

The Holy Earth and Liberty Hyde Bailey’s Front Porch Cred

He wrote sixty-five books and had a hand in another hundred and thirty-five.

Monastic Stability: In One Place with God and Others

Some time ago I was asked if I would be willing to participate in a forum on localism. I hesitated. I did not even...