Economics & Empire

Constitutional Kookiness

For years, two-faced Republican demagogues have served up phony-baloney about how much they love little country churches, Norman Rockwell paintings, and old-fashioned American life, even while they were simultaneously encouraging government-subsidized corporations to steamroll Mom & Pop businesses and turn main streets into chain-store strip-malls.

The Peasantry of the Future

Irving, TX. In answer to the question, “What do the poor want?” Simone Weil replied “They want you to look at them.” I...

The New Lisbon?

In the wake of a series of catastrophes in the course of recent years - the financial crisis and the Great Recession; the Gulf...

“A Distributist View of the Global Economic Crisis”: A Report

A conference with this title convened in St. Benet's Hall, Oxford, England, on Saturday, July 11. Organized by the G.K. Chesterton Institute, the great...

You Say Liturgy, I Say Lechery

I hurried up to Columbia University to inform my friends on the campus that I had located the Communist Party, had made contact with it,...

Why We Consent to the Wholesale Destruction of Good Land

Harrison County, Ohio. After I first moved to Harrison County, my smaller children used to beg that we drive home after excursions via a little-used...

Plutonomics, Citibank, and the Doom Cycle

And what is the CLEW, you may ask? It is the Cost of Living Extremely Well, which measures such essential items as the price rise in Beluga caviar or a suite at the Four Seasons. Pity the poor rich.

The Ad-Man Cometh (for your Children)

RINGOES, NJ. March Madness is finally over. And for the first time in years, I actively participated in the madness. For most of our...

Localism And Cosmopolites

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Remarking on Jeremy Beer's article on meritocracy, Patrick Deneen concludes with this grim, but correct, observation: This, in a microcosm, is a central paradox...

The Founders on Taxation, Redistribution, and Property

Hidden Springs Lane. As the Fiscal Cliff looms, as Red States and Blues States stand more divided than ever, as the gap between the...