
The Passing of Two Great Intellectual Historians

News of the passing of Gene Genovese and Henry May took the wind out of these aging sails. In addition to reading these historians...

Lessons on Limits from the Cougar Prophet

If a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, I took my prescription of limits and localism with a spoon full of...

Thoughts on Statesmanship in a Season of Dearth

One may notice in this election cycle a certain amount of talk about statesmanship – primarily because each of the candidates is thought to...

Leaving Washington

Notre Dame, IN. It was on the virtual “pages” of the Front Porch Republic that I announced last February that I was leaving Georgetown University,...

Life Under Compulsion

In 1940, when the Nazis attacked their supposed racial kinfolk in Norway and set up a puppet government under the odious Quisling, the novelist...

The Dangerous Alliance of Big Government and Big Business

The most important political conversation Americans need to have is about how the old conversations no longer matter. The Democratic Party and the Republican...

Take Me Home

This excerpt is taken from Eric Miller's new book: Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longings. The Penn State University geographer Wilbur Zelinsky believes something...

Political Hope, Spiritual Longing

The following is an excerpt from a new book by Eric Miller: Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longings. Of all the distinctive raiment...

Christopher Lasch on Presidental Debates

As the first of the presidential debates approaches, it is helpful (though not necessarily heartening) to turn to Christopher Lasch, whose understanding of American...

Hospitality at a Fractured Table

“It sure is hard to have people over to dinner these days,” the food writer lamented, at a talk I attended the other week....