Tag: nature

On Being a Worthy Heir of the Agrarian Contrarians

But, as Shakespeare wrote, we sometimes “by indirections find directions out.”

Contraception and Signs of Contradiction: Part I

Contraception as Apparent Moral Good.  Most persons who use contraception conceive of it as a moral good.  They see an unruly, pullulating nature directed...

The Founding Gardeners

I’ve just finished Andrea Wulf’s beguiling book entitled “ Founding Gardeners, The Revolutionary Generation, Nature and the Shaping of the American Nation”. Published this...

The One World On Offer

Perhaps the tension will be useful when it comes time to make something of what is. Just be sure you make it in a place called home.

The Sustainability Stampede

The diversity club ran its course, and has been replaced with "second-wave environmentalism," a.k.a. our culprit, sustainability.

Exploiting Antiquities

To him, the created world is merely “resources” and fodder for “job creation.”

Mill, Hayek, and Our Midas Plight

Call it Factory Planet: a world in which natural processes are treated as parts of a vast world-machine operated to produce a maximum amount of wealth for humans.

Last Call at Descartes’ Bar and Grill

Washington, Connecticut. The urge, some might say mania with which our species has attempted to distance itself from Nature is a defining occupation and...

A Long, Long Row

“Hontar:  We must work in the world, your eminence. The world is thus. Altamirano: No, Señor Hontar. Thus have we made the world. Thus have...

Of Games, Gadgets, and God

Coeur d'Alene, ID. One evening our family and two cousins were playing Uno. It’s a simple game requiring nothing more than a deck of...