Culture, High & Low

Cars, Individualism, and the Paradox of Freedom in a Mass Society

The automobile squared perfectly with a distinctive American ideal of freedom—freedom of mobility.

Bicycling and the Simple (Socialist?) Life

Bicycling is fun, and environmentally friendly, but for me at least, it is even more importantly about being as free as possible from the complicated dependencies which the automobile economy forces upon us all.

NAIS Delenda Est

This past Friday I attended a USDA-sponsored “listening-session” concerning the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). NAIS is, in the words of USDA,...

Regarding Porn

As Mary Eberstadt has recently pointed out over at First Things, evidence is accumulating that the current day usage of pornography is taking a...

The American Conservative

Where else can one find such a wide ranging, wise, witty, and downright winsome collection of thinkers and writers in one tactile, fold-over-double, take-to-the-porcelain-throne, nap-with-on-the-couch, 100-percent-carpal-tunnel-free place?

Economic Smackdown!: ‘Porchers’ vs. ‘Austrians’

Earlier this month, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute held a summer program for college students in Louisville, Kentucky. Titled "Arguing Conservatism," the event featured faculty...

The Thee-ater of the Bozarts

Louisville, Ky. “Rural dwellers may have boundless tolerance for exaltations of the wonders and mysteries of the natural world, but the urban spirit begins...

Hemp, Hemp, Hooray!

From the perspective of a patriotic American who’s just researched hemp’s potential from Canada to Hawaii, Germany to Colorado, things are moving from fantasy...

Airports are Non-Places

As I write this, Edward Snowden is moping his way through exile in the Moscow airport. He can't leave because crossing through passport control...

Arguing about the Suburbs

Are suburbs random or a product of design?