The Feed Store

Blessed With Triple Ds: A Dispatch from Dumb-Ass Acres

This is a description of small-town life and the help you can expect to receive from people not conditioned to give strangers the finger.

Cultivating the Candy Roaster: An Extensive Pleasure

In the spring of this year, some students and I created a modest Heritage Garden—420 square feet of raised beds built from two-by-twelves and...

In Defense of Okra

I doubt okra tops many people’s list of garden must-haves, which is a shame since it is such a determined grower. Gardens are only guaranteed to produce one thing year in and year out: humility.

Hunting and the Body of Christ

As we come to the supper table to feast upon pheasant breast or the backstrap of a whitetail deer, we gain an inkling of that invitation to the true Table of Hospitality, where the Lord looks upon us lovingly despite our attack upon him.

The Allure of Old Tools and Vintage Machinery: Memory, Meaning, and...

Building or re-building things taps into deep and elemental desires embedded in the human experience that in some shadowed sense mimic the Creator.

Of Heat, Houses, and Heuristics

Thinking about ecology from a national perspective, my house with standard R-19 walls and R40 roof, standard windows, and so on, is a “problem.” From a local perspective, though, there’s a solution that’s far simpler than the ones proposed by national standards for green building: Get up from my library chair and throw another log in the wood stove.


The presence of a mature orchard is a sign of the longevity of the farm and the temperance and patience of its farmers.

Thinking Like a Lamb

Today I make a COVID resolution: I will learn to be more lamby-like, as Carl would say: to think like a lamb.

Kayaking with Lambs

The newest book from FPR Books is Brian Miller's Kayaking with Lambs. Enjoy this excerpt, and then pick up a copy of the book. This...

Getting to Know the Neighbors

We can increase the aesthetic appeal of our neighborhood by smashing the suburban quasi-monocultures of landscaping plants purchased from big box stores and restoring the rightful biodiversity of our ecosystems...Behind the natural beauty there thrums a glory ancient and ever-new that generates love for place, if we let it.