
Two Degrees of Separation

Henry County, Kentucky. Last week here we buried our 97-year-old neighbor, a woman named Thelma Chilton Moody Clark.  Until this spring she had never...

The Rebirth of Conservatism

Kearneysville, WV. Barack Obama was swept into office as a firm and unmistakable repudiation of George W. Bush. After enduring the longest war in...

Pan-American Political Science Association?

Russell Arben Fox has treated us to his reflections of the recently concluded APSA annual meeting here. It would be surprising if there...

The American Aesop

Hillsdale, MI. It is said that Aesop, despite making all his characters animals and thus avoiding being Nathan to his contemporary Davids, was finally...

The Recovery of American Beauty

Holland, MI The present age remains haunted by the specter of “atheism,” with significant consequences for our understanding of politics. I think we can...

Anti-Culture, America, and the Other

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece on Philip Rieff for the American Conservative. One of the themes of Rieff’s work on...

George Grant: Straight-ahead Kicker?

Via The American Conservative, a few thoughts on the land of three downs:

Sensible libertarian points . . .

made once again by Jesse Walker, in re the prez and the kids. He says here in about 400 words just about everything that...

9-11 and the Cloud of Overwhelming Force

Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, 9-11-09. Eight years ago today, and in the days immediately following, Americans found themselves bewildered. An unprecedented mood had...

A Prayer for Livia Grace

Devon, PA.  This week marks my daughter's third birthday.  As a way of tossing a little Front Porch confetti her way, I reprint here ...