
The Man Who Saw the Bear

What Sanders offers might be called the imagination of hope—a means of acting to stem disaster.

Brass Spittoon: Ken Myers on Three Decades (almost) of Mars Hill...

Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio on place, the evangelical mind, and classical music.

Civic Muscle: A Political Physiology

Civic muscle describes a citizen-centered democracy, where citizens themselves, viewed as agents of change and not mere voters, assume much of the responsibility for the quality of our public life.

The Meaning of Houellebecq

Houellebecq describe those aspects of our world that swarm us now, beleaguer us, pen us in. They are the products of a world suffused with technology, and of the attendant detachability of human relations. They condition the warp and woof of our social fabric.

Travels with COVID

While there are so-called “flyover” states, there is also a “flyover” state of mind. A road trip can help us leave that behind.

The False Promise of Natural Law Liberalism

Evans, GA. Christian authors have been proclaiming the death of Christendom since at least 1989, when Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon made such...

Baldwin, Buckley, and Berry on Racism and the World Order

Drawing from both Baldwin and Berry allows us to see that the racist and imperial policies of the past continue to do immense social, economic, cultural, and ecological damage around the globe. Racial injustice is among other things an ecological issue.

Looking Back to Oscar Charleston and Forward to a Strange Baseball...

Before I begin to complain about the shortened season, the lack of travel to the usual hubs, the lack of live fanhood, it might be well to remember those who loved baseball with extraordinary intensity, yet for whom no season of major league baseball ever opened up its bounty.

Familiar Voices, Sacred Stanzas

What strikes me overall about The Slumbering Host is the open-heartedness, hopefulness, and steadfastness of the editors’ approach and selection. This is a collection that is true to itself and knows its own mind and plays its own music.
Garth Brown house

The Irreducible Reality of Pork Belly

When cut into chunks, tossed with salt and some brown sugar, and then roasted all afternoon in a very low oven, perhaps with a bit of sauce for the last bit, pork belly becomes a gateway to the real.