
Looking Back to Oscar Charleston and Forward to a Strange Baseball...

Before I begin to complain about the shortened season, the lack of travel to the usual hubs, the lack of live fanhood, it might be well to remember those who loved baseball with extraordinary intensity, yet for whom no season of major league baseball ever opened up its bounty.

The Biggest Small Farmer

Bromfield, like many farmers interested in sustainability, did not desire mere primitivism in cultivation, but a more intelligent way of farming that did not degrade the resources the farm depends upon.

Not Throwing Away My Shot: Alexander Hamilton and the Militarization of...

Like the “good men” that Lincoln noted will give up on free government in the wake of mob rule, Hamilton warns that those who fear their rights are threatened will be prone to accept tyranny.

Finding Joy in Intentional Community

Intentional community stands as a powerful rebuke to the modern pursuit of the good life: it is not by restlessly seeking to improve our circumstances, but by committing ourselves to a place and people, that joy becomes possible.

“Ordered Toward your Becoming”: On Natalie Carnes’s Motherhood: A Confession

In our current moment of social media activism, we must ask ourselves what kind of learning, real learning—the kind that involves your body and takes root in your soul—can take place without embodiment? And what kind of real embodiment takes place without participating in the grief and suffering of another?

Please Eat Cows

Animal agriculture, we hear over and over, is horrific for the environment and horrific for the livestock involved. Yet most of us can’t or won’t change our ways. There may be a general sense that beef is horrible, but there is a literal sense that steak is delicious.

Triathlon Training and Place

Training for a triathlon roots you to the environment, economics, and people of a particular place.

On the Front Porch with Ursula Le Guin

Those who do know her work might be a bit surprised if I suggest that Le Guin has a real porcher sensibility.

Brass Spittoon: Ken Myers on Three Decades (almost) of Mars Hill...

Ken Myers of Mars Hill Audio on place, the evangelical mind, and classical music.

The College and the Community: A Strange Saga in Tallahassee

As President John Thrasher alienates Florida State University from segments of the broader Tallahassee, Florida community, a lesson from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, is worth considering.